David Leitner
Chief Technologist
Classical Talk
Platform Engineering: Unveiling Success for Autonomous Teams
In this session, we will uncover the keys to unlocking the potential of Autonomous Teams through Platform Engineering. Simply put, Platform Engineering involves creating tools and systems that enable teams to prioritize what matters most: delivering value to the business. However, to realize this straightforward vision, there are several pitfalls, patterns, and challenges that we should be aware of, as they can inadvertently introduce more harm than value.
We’ll explore how platforms should be treated as products within the organization, with developers as the primary customers benefiting from increased efficiency and effectiveness. Additionally, we’ll delve into socio-technical strategies of well-architected platforms that fit the given constraints of the organization. And finally, we’ll address the emerging anti-pattern of preventing the platform team itself from becoming a bottleneck for the engineering organization.
For many high-paced organizations, platform engineering can be a game-changing tool, and this talk will equip you with the necessary knowledge to achieve success, backed by real-world success stories.
I have more than 10 years of experience in Agile software development, working for enterprises, startups, and scale-ups.
David is Chief Technologist at SQUER, a Software Company based in Munich and Vienna, working with different stacks and environments but always an overarching mission: connect ideas and provide impact — with technology. He spends much of his time on the frontlines tackling the challenges of scaling software and complex domains, with a strong focus on cloud-native architectures and infrastructures. David enjoys sharing his knowledge as a conference speaker and lecturer for his post-diploma courses at the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Vienna.