How did Agile Tour Vienna evolve? We have kept an archive of videos and presentations from more then 10 years.
Aino Vonge Corry What we (should have) learned from Lord of The Rings
Gojko Adzic Lizard Optimization
Susanne Bauer & Doris Regele Wann ist ein Team ein Team?
Stefan Toth 10 Jahre Vorgehensmuster – Architektur & Agilität in der Praxis
Sabina Lammert Flowing Retrospectives: The Magic is in the Making
David Leitner Platform Engineering: Unveiling Success for Autonomous Teams
Nemanja Vukoje Breaking walls between Business and IT in traditional Company
Denis Salnikov Maximizing value with an Evolutionary Org Design
Aino Vonge Corry What we (should have) learned from Lord of The Rings
Xin Yao Rediscover Agile Values with Sociotechnical Design
Bjarte Bogsnes An introduction to Beyond Budgeting – Business agility in practice
Gojko Adzic Lizard Optimization
Susanne Bauer & Doris Regele Wann ist ein Team ein Team?
Moritz Fromwald & Patrick Säuerl Pair Programming
Stefan Toth 10 Jahre Vorgehensmuster – Architektur & Agilität in der Praxis
Sabina Lammert Flowing Retrospectives: The Magic is in the Making
David Leitner Platform Engineering: Unveiling Success for Autonomous Teams
Veronika Jungwirth & Ralph Miarka Wer braucht Agile Teams? Agile Gruppen sind die Zukunft!
Nemanja Vukoje Breaking walls between Business and IT in traditional Company
Valentin Nowotny Workshop: The 99 Best Agile Metrics Collection Workshop
David Jungwirth & Frikkx Eyjolfsson Data and AI: Effective Tooling for Agile at Scale
Sabine Lammert Schlüsselrolle Transition Team-Erfolgreich zur agilen Organisation
Martin Etmajer From Fragile to Agile
Karin Haberleithner Hierachie, Kreise oder doch Agil?
Christian Hattinger Nobody said it’s easy: making the transition from a Startup to an established agile company
Dominik Dopplinger Formen technischer Schuld und wie man sie adressiert
Thomas Pieber Umgang mit hohen Unsicherheiten bei der Plannung und Umsetzung von Projekten
Kevlin Henney Agility ≠ Speed
Marcus Hammarberg The Bungsu Story – an inspirational story
J.B. Rainsberger The Selfish Team Player
Robert Finan Full metal agile
Laura Fitzgerald The n Stages of the Agile Apprentice
Rene Pachernegg Hinfallen, Aufstehen, Krone Richten, Weitermachen
Florian Hackl-Kohlweiß Typical office environment sucks for creative work
Gojko Adzic Max Impact – Min Effort
Karin Groissenberger und Robert Herzig Spieldikalifragelistig = expialigetisch
The Agile Tour Vienna is an on-site conference run by the agile
community in Austria.